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The aim of MingHua Student Society is to provide a platform for all current students to serve one another, especially to help newly enrolled students to integrate into college life, sharing helpful tips on study experience, and understanding each other’s needs. Our services include rendering support to students such as ‘Greeting New Students’ in the beginning of the school year, organizing secondhand book exchange or other activities to motivate and engage our fellowship through which we can work together in unity to serve the world. It also serves as a channel to voice out our students’ wishes to the College. The Student Society hopes to engage the student body to live out our faith through serving together in various ministries, in so doing, we may discover God’s will for our mission beyond the classroom.

You are welcome to contact us (Email: [email protected]) and follow us on Facebook ( to learn about the latest events!

Student Society Committee Organization and Members:

Counselors – Convener – Members

Convener: Lucy Chan
Members: Jacky Lin, May Won, Carine Leung
Honorable Members: Caroline Wong, Eileen Yim
Counselors: Experienced expertise

A Letter to all students from Ming Hua Theological College Student Society Committee

Dear fellow students:

As Chinese says, “Be gone the Winter and here comes the Spring,” we are delighted to meet again in another milestone of our journey in Ming Hua.

Although we cannot gather around the charming surrounding in Ming Hua due to the outspread of pandemic, we can nevertheless, join our Facebook Page and to share our experience in Ming Hua in different programmes prepared by the Ming Hua Student Society.

Student Society Facebook Platform & Peer Programme
Let our journey begins in our Facebook Page that was first established in 2021 by Ming Hua Student Society dedicated to provide our fellow students with the information from the college and student society and a platform to share our study experience. Through the “Peer Programme” (Walk the Talk x 2), fellow students can find a study buddy who is willing to share experience in the study as well as to establish our brotherhood or sisterhood in Ming Hua’s family. Furthermore, the “Second-hand Book Exchange” platform provides information and sources for you to search for reading materials in your study.

At the moment, Hong Kong is fighting a tough war with the pandemic, the use of social media such as Zoom meeting gives us alternatives despite restrictions are enforced. Our fellowship is built upon our faith, hope and love that we share along the way.

Following the 2022 Winter Olympics, we embrace the spirit of sportsmanship by passing the Olympics torch in our hearts to welcome the new semester in Ming Hua and embracing the challenge ahead of us.

Please don’t hesitate to drop a line in our Facebook Page and embedded in the love of our fellowship in Ming Hua and the excitement and fun in the classroom. Hey, no, on the screen instead!

This is the QR code of the facebook page:









We are wishing you all a joyful and wonderful year in Ming Hua.

Greeting from
All Members of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Ming Hua Theological College Student Society Committee
February 2022

The Sharing of Studying Ming Hua’s Diploma Course

Having believed in God for a few years, there have been an accumulation of a series of questions with me about God. For example, why does God continue to allow disasters? Why doesn’t God eliminate suffering from human’s bodies? Why does God let people continue with hardship? All these myriads of everlasting questions are ones I often ponder about; coincidentally I saw the weekly publication of Ming Hua’s theological diploma studies introduction and also through the encouragement of clergy for me to apply, therefore I decided to use this mode of study to understand God’s words and the Bible.

Through studying in the diploma course, I came to the understanding of the value in believing, this is not about answering those questions in my head, rather it enables me to answer the questions to difficulties in life and my own daily life. I emphasise here that it is necessary to go through the thinking process, at the same time one cannot depart from understanding and accepting our own daily lives or the environment we live.

At the beginning of my studies under the pandemic situation, I had to often access my course online and felt it was a loss; through prayers, fortunately under God’s lead enabled me to join the student society, becoming a member of the society. After joining, I have met other members and am able to experience their sharing of different courses and the hardship they have gone through; this allowed me to manage my own emotions to my course studies and accelerated my speed to grasp the focal point of my course.

With Gratitude and Thanksgiving, Amen. 

Maxwell Man

Powerless yet Positive

Being invited by the Revd Pun last year, I was fortunate to become a member of Student Society and able to help the college by participating in the planning of activities. However, with the pandemic, all activities at the college were affected, forcing the cancellation of all face to face activities; classes and meetings have all moved online.

The purpose of the Student Society is to increase the sense of college belonging within the students through activities, caring for the needs of the students. Without being able to meet face to face with teachers or students have posed challenges to the planning and execution of the Student Society. Ask yourselves this, I have already been a part of the Student Society for over half a year, yet have not been able to carry out any planned activities, even the welcoming party for new students had to be

cancelled, my inner self was full of powerless feelings. When I was writing this testimony, all of a sudden I recalled when Paul was under house arrest in the Roman times; although this prevented him from meeting up with all the other brothers and sisters at church, however, he was still able to spread the Gospel through writing letters, even in today’s world, people are able to read the letters of St Paul’s and are able to understand God’s word in a limitless manner. This made me realise under limited resources and space, using the talent given by God in the greatest capacity, allowing more people to trust God is the true meaning to loving God with one’s heart and soul.

I am willing to learn from Paul and even in times of adversity to hold my heart close to God. Even though the meetings and activities of the Student Society have been conducted remotely, or even during my time of office, these activities cannot be realised, and have to depend on the members in their next term of office, I hope to, with my best ability, plan and prepare the resources so that when the pandemic eases, these students activities could be carried out with lesser effort – gaining more by doing less. 

In closing, I wish all the teachers and students of Ming Hua Theological College God’s Peace during these turbulent times. 

Nick Lau

Facebook Platform Intro

We also recently opened a brand new platform on Facebook to create a common space for theMing Hua community to mutually communicate, and send through blessings. This facebook group is planned and organised by the student society committee. We welcome all faculty student and alumni to join and work together to create a linkage within our community.

This is the QR code of the Facebook page.

Study Tips

The Student Society hosted an Orientation night for new and continuing students on 22 September. It was an opportunity for students to fellowship with one another, exchange study experience, and bond with each other on the exciting journey of exploring our faith. We were grateful that our senior lecturer, Dr. Matthew Jones, was able to join us to give us a short talk on ”Off to a good start: Tips on studying, researching and writing essays”. Click on the link on the right to grasp the key for success.


Second-hand Text Book Exchange Platform

Every new semester, students scramble to look for the required text books for the subjects they take. Some students have expressed their wish to find a convenient way to pass on their used text books to other students. The Student Society is excited to provide a “Second-hand Text Book Exchange Platform” for students to acquire the needed text books economically and speedily, with special consideration to the environment.